Tabletop Media Group’s Favorite Holiday Traditions

Allie Nelson - Social Media Manager

I am an avid reader/book hoarder so one of my favorite holiday traditions is what my family calls “Book Christmas!” We exchange most of our presents on Christmas Eve, but gift each other books on Christmas Day. It’s actually a Nordic tradition called Jolabokaflod, and my sister-in-law and I get really into it! We’ve created towers and Christmast trees out of books, and forced the rest of our family to love the tradition. I always make a big charcuterie board to snack on in the afternoon while we sit and read!

Julia Poole - Social Media Manager

My family has quite a few traditions during the holidays but my favorite has to be on Christmas Eve. Every year since I can remember my family has ordered take out Chinese food from our favorite restaurant and after we all hop in the car to drive around and see all the lights. The lights are always so pretty the night before Christmas and my neighborhood puts out luminaries to light the way for Santa! I am super excited for the holidays and of course, the night before Christmas.

Quinn Bostic - Vice President

Christmas is my favorite time of the year and luckily we have a lot of traditions! It’s super hard to pick one, but I really love getting together with my sister and making Christmas cookies. We choose 3-4 different cookies to create each year. We made these adorable Grinch cookies last year that I can’t wait to remake this year. Also, my 10 month old son, Atlas, will be involved this year making it even sweeter!

Carolina Stamey - Photographer

Christmas Tradition

My favorite tradition is to eat hallacas! Hallacas are similar to tamales but WAY more delicious, in my opinion! It’s actually a Venezuelan Christmas tradition to have them, but growing up in Colombia on the border of Venezuela, I had the opportunity to enjoy a mixture of cross-cultural meals and traditions. In the United States, you don’t find hallacas like I used to eat in Colombia very easily, and making them is  hard and very time consuming. So, hallacas have become my recurring Christmas wish!!! Hopefully, someone in my family is making them for this Christmas!

New Year’s Tradition

Where I am from, we have many fun holiday traditions that we believe will bring luckyness into our lives. When I lived in Colombia, my favorite tradition was to go out after midnight on a nice warm evening and run around the block with an empty suitcase, symbolizing a new year full of travel. Now that I live in the United States and the weather is much too cold to be running around in the early morning air of January 1st, my favorite thing to do is to write down the 12 things that I hope to happen in the coming year while also eating 12 grapes for each wish.

Lewis Foreman - Social Media Director

My four-year-old has a December birthday, so the holidays are extra full of celebration for our family. A tradition of ours for the past few years has been taking him to visit Santa at our town’s Courthouse Square. Warrenton, NC has a wonderful Christmas parade every year, and visiting ‘Santa’s house’ for a candy cane afterward is a must. We’re wishing everyone a cozy holiday season filled with special traditions, both new and old!

Brooke Parsons - Public Relations and Social Media Manager

Being originally from Ohio, one of my favorite things to do during the holidays is travel back home to visit my family and friends. I typically do not enjoy cold weather or snow, but there is something special about it during Christmas time. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas this year, but time will tell! ❄️☃️ My family and I also open ALL gifts on Christmas Eve night after a dinner at my Aunt’s house. My family hosts Christmas dinner, so I guess the reasoning behind that is to make sure the house is clean before guests arrive. 🎁 I hope everyone stays safe and warm this holiday season… and I’ll see you next year. 🥳


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