


Sassool Is a Mediterranean restaurant and café located in Raleigh, NC with a second location In Cary, NC. They needed assistance managing Public Relations and coordinating with the media, and with taking high-quality photographs of the business and the food. Most recently, we did a complete makeover of their website.

Plan of action

  • Managing Public Relations And Media Outreach

  • Food And Business Photography

  • Website Redesign

Press coverage

Sassool Hummus Mix Off Event

Each year, Sassool challenges localites and local influencers to bring forth their best and most unique flavor of hummus for their Hummus Mix Off. During this competitive event, the contestants have their hummus available for the public to sample and then vote for their favorite. The winning hummus is featured in Sassool's fresh case for the entire month following. This event is always exciting for our team as we always have an influx of media attention around the competition. Not only do we send a press release announcing the event, but we also send a release for the outcome announcing the winner. These releases are sent to around 200+ local publications and media contacts. The participating influencers involved also post on their social media before and during the event, creating more engagement and impressions for Sassool. 

A ticketed event like the Hummus Mix Off,

  1. helps generate a lot of hype around the restaurant,

  2. gets the public involved in a different way with your brand,

  3. creates brand awareness with diners who may not have heard of your brand/restaurant, and 4) contributes to your bottom line outside of your normal revenue stream. 

This year was our fifth annual Hummus Mix off and the results were as follows
(during a 2 month promotional period): 

  • 13 pieces of coverage

  • 80.1K coverage views

  • 3.06K coverage engagements

Sassool at a glance

The awards we’ve won in the past couple years, articles that we’ve had published in local magazines, and features on food websites have all been possible with Tabletop Media Group’s help.”

Simone Lawson, Sassool

need help getting your website or public relations off the ground?