Friends of Tabletop: Meet Hannah from NC Food Finds

Friends of Tabletop is a place where we share who we love working with. This can range from a client, influencer/blogger, or special someone who simply means a lot to the Tabletop Team. Colleagues and friends who we’ve met throughout our journey with Tabletop Media Group make us a part of who we are.

For our March Friends of Tabletop, meet Hannah from NC Food Finds!

Tell us about NC Food Finds.

NC Food Finds is a space for me to share food and food products that I have enjoyed from the great state of NC! There may be a time or two that share something outside of North Carolina but I primarily try to stick with NC!

Why did you start NC Food Finds?

SO, me and my mom had to move to Chapel Hill for three months after I had my double lung transplant (shameless plug for everyone to register to be an organ donor!) We had a lot of free time exploring the Chapel Hill/Durham area. It was 8 years ago when I felt like food Instagrams were starting to pop up and I thought why not?!

What is your favorite food?

Chicken. Tenders.

What about least favorite food?

Mushrooms and watermelon. It’s a texture thing for me.

Bar order? If you don't drink, what's your coffee order?

I have a few favorites, just depends on the occasion- Miller Lite, Cider, Cranberry Vodka and if I’m feeling really frisky- a Long Island Iced Tea. I’m not sure if it really counts as coffee (clearly I have a sweet tooth) but a Caramel Frappuccino.

What is one of your unpopular opinions?

Ketchup belongs on hotdogs. Apparently this is a controversial take, though I think it’s common sense that those two go together.

Where is your favorite place to eat in The Triangle?

Players Retreat, I could sit on the patio with friends all day (maybe I’ve done that before…) They have everything from bar food, to a filet. I also love Stanbury for special occasions!

Do you have a favorite story about how you got to where you are in your career?

Southern Living reposted a BBQ picture of mine one time. That gave me some traction but growing up and flipping through my mom’s copies on the coffee table, I felt like I had really made it!

If you could redo one thing in regards to your social influencer career what would it be?

I would have maybe not have pigeonholed myself into just food. Maybe one day I’ll branch out, we will see!

What's the most useful lesson you've learned from being a social influencer?

Comparison is the thief of joy. I think this is just for life in general. With social media being so prevalent it’s easy to see others doing this or that when at the end of the day, social media is primarily people’s best shots. Don’t worry about what others are doing and take a break from it if you are not enjoying it, or it’s not bringing you joy. 


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